Finalmente chegou o dia!!! Jensen criou um twitter!!!
O primeiro tweet dele foi
Alright twitter...you win. #VanCon2014 #SPNFamily pic.twitter.com/FESgBpJkJo
— Jensen Ackles (@JensenAckles) 24 agosto 2014
Na sua bio está: Ator. Diretor. Marido. Pai.
A conta foi verificada, recebeu o selo de Verdadeira.
E o icone, é uma foto do Jensen quando novo com a blusa do Dallas Cowboys.
E nos Trend Tops Br e Mundial Jensen está em primeiro, #JensenAcklesOnTwitter
Recebeu as boas-vindas da Esposa e de seus amigos, que não deixaram de zoar...
Veja alguns dos tweets:
Welcome to twitter my love!!!@JensenAckles ;-))
— Danneel HarrisAckles (@DanneelHarris) 24 agosto 2014
Welcome to Twitter @JensenAckles! Here's a picture you can use as your avatar! pic.twitter.com/uKiqWT1JbE
— Felicia Day (@feliciaday) 24 agosto 2014
There goes the neighborhood... RT @JensenAckles: Alright twitter...you win. #VanCon2014 #SPNFamily pic.twitter.com/hEJdmt4UUG
— Misha Collins (@mishacollins) 24 agosto 2014
“@JensenAckles: Alright twitter...you win. #VanCon2014 #SPNFamily pic.twitter.com/bT5dJYmNvf”
— Gino Graul (@GinoGraul) 24 agosto 2014
It's official! I am hereby confirming that Jensen Ackles IS now on twitter. U R welcome :) @jensenackles #JensenAcklesOnTwitter
— Jared Padalecki (@jarpad) 24 agosto 2014
Yes.. Join us @JensenAckles, we'll take good care of you.. it's only slightly dark and moldy, and we nibble furiously but don't bite..
— Osric Chau (@OsricChau) 24 agosto 2014
@JensenAckles welcome to the Tweet mate :)
— Sebastian Roché (@sebroche) 24 agosto 2014
@jarpad @JensenAckles Rejoice!!
— Sebastian Roché (@sebroche) 24 agosto 2014
It's him! Jensen is on twitter!! @JensenAckles has been changed over to the real Jensen! Verified check coming! https://t.co/4WEd3BkTsd
— Suzanne Gomez (@Chico6) 24 agosto 2014
Thank god. RT @JensenAckles: Alright twitter...you win. #VanCon2014 #SPNFamily pic.twitter.com/Z1ri7SffAS
— Stephen Amell (@amellywood) 24 agosto 2014
I just landed and heard the news. Welcome to the party @JensenAckles #Supernatural
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) 24 agosto 2014
Aw, @JensenAckles you've grown from an Egg to a little boy in just hours! XO #spn #Supernatural Hugs :)
— Lauren Tom (@LaurenTom9000) 24 agosto 2014
@JensenAckles About time! I am so happy that nobody will ever ask me again why you are not on here!
— Jim Michaels (@TheJimMichaels) 24 agosto 2014
E com a criação do twitter Jensen recebeu alguns conselhos:
@JensenAckles lil advice :Don't drink and tweet,EVER! Proof read your tweets, if not sure ask a friend..not Jared, he is still learning;-)jk
— Danneel HarrisAckles (@DanneelHarris) 24 agosto 2014
A few pointers for @jensenackles: 1) When you post something on twitter it's called a "twit."
— Misha Collins (@mishacollins) 24 agosto 2014
.@jensenackles 2) only 140 characters per twit. 3) @jarpad's feed is all lies & 4) twitter won't let u post pics with full-frontal nudity.
— Misha Collins (@mishacollins) 24 agosto 2014
Also, @jensenackles, twitter sends u a generous check when you "favorite" or "retweet" posts from anyone with "ishacollins" in their handle.
— Misha Collins (@mishacollins) 24 agosto 2014
Sigam o Jensen!